Intake 2025 - Our formal open events took place on 9th and 10th January. However, if you missed these we would love to give you a personal tour of the school or nursery, contact our school office to make arrangements. Applications can be accessed via until 24th January at 12pm.

Miss Curran's Class

Welcome to P6!

My name is Miss Curran, and I am a P6 teacher and the Art co-ordinator for Moyle Primary School.

In our class with us, we also have Miss Ramsey, Mrs Stewart and Miss Hardy who are the Classroom Assistants and are always there to help.

This year, we will be looking at some exciting topics including The Rainforest, The Vikings, and The Human Body. How interesting!

In Numeracy, we have been learning how to round numbers to 10, 100 and 1000. We love practical work and using our hands to help us learn.

For part of our Literacy, we focus on a Talk for Writing unit and recently we have been retelling a story called “Zelda Claw and the Rain Cat” through using actions and drawing images to develop our knowledge and understanding of the story.