Intake 2025 - Our formal open events took place on 9th and 10th January. However, if you missed these we would love to give you a personal tour of the school or nursery, contact our school office to make arrangements. Applications can be accessed via until 24th January at 12pm.

Miss Wallace's Class

Welcome to P7!

My name is Miss Wallace, and I am the class teacher, as well as the Music co-ordinator for Moyle Primary School. In this, I lead the school choir and am the teacher in charge for instrumental lessons. In my class with me, I also have Mrs McAuley and Mrs Perry, who are our classroom assistants.

We have been working very hard this year, with many children studying and preparing for their AQE exams, whilst others have been focusing diligently on their reading and maths skills through mental challenges and practical games. The children have also enjoying listening to and exploring our year group novel The Demon Headmaster.

We have been learning all about The Victorians this term. Learning about the life of Queen Victoria and discovering which important inventions occurred during the Victorian Era. We have been exploring the lives of Victorian children and the jobs that they would have had. At the end of our topic, we look forward to experiencing a Victorian school day.

Our class is also taking part in Shared Education this year, teaming up with another local primary school. We will be taking part in school visits and enjoying a trip to the Planetarium altogether. Term 2 will also include swimming lessons and Basketball as part of the Peace Players programme.

As the year progresses, P7 will be learning about Space, Flight and Titanic. We will also have the chance to develop new skills during our P7 residential in March, where lots of outdoor sports and team building activities will keep us active and entertained.

We look forward to sharing our journey with you all!