Intake 2025 - Our formal open events took place on 9th and 10th January. However, if you missed these we would love to give you a personal tour of the school or nursery, contact our school office to make arrangements. Applications can be accessed via until 24th January at 12pm.

School History

Moyle Primary School opened in January 1957, following the closures of the ‘Parochial’ and ‘Larne Number 1’ schools. The ‘Parochial’ can still be seen in the space between Gardenmore Presbyterian Church and the Council Yard. ‘Larne Number 1’ was affectionately known as the “Back Road” and it occupied the land between the Fire Station and the back of the old General Post Office. Sadly, there is no physical evidence left to view. These buildings were considered unsuitable to meet the needs of the growing Larne population, especially with the rapidly developing Sallagh Park, Ferris Park and Craigy Hill estates. The new Education Act had specified that children should leave primary education at eleven and then transfer into secondary education. To facilitate this change, the Moyle was built beside the new Greenland Secondary School (now Larne High School), with both schools opening in 1957. Moyle’s pupil numbers quickly grew, eventually peaking at just over six hundred pupils in the 1970’s. The opening of Linn and Antiville schools in the Sixties saw Moyle’s numbers levelling to just over four hundred. The school now has a nursery school, two classes in every year group and three learning support classes, with a total enrolment of just over 400 pupils.

It is perhaps a tribute to all the staff, past and present, that so many of our past pupils call on a regular basis to see us. Most express the view that their time at Moyle was an extremely happy, enjoyable experience, and that it prepared them fittingly for the transition into adulthood.

Principals of Moyle Primary School

T.J McCombe (Principal 1957-1970)

Sandy Glass (Principal 1970 – 1986)

Hubert Henry (Principal 1986 – 2000)

Peter Garrett (Principal 2000 – 2017)

Gareth Hamilton (Principal 2017 – Present)